Happy New Year. After a year of uncertainty and emotional stresses, I look to 2021 with great optimism. The cybersecurity community is significantly stronger and being counted on now more than ever. The need for cybersecurity talent has grown exponentially. The importance of cybersecurity professionals is universally understood and appreciated at a much higher level. […]
News of the FireEye security breach shook the cybersecurity industry last week, proving that even the most skilled cybersecurity operations can face attack. Then came the news of the SolarWinds breach affecting the highest levels of the US government. While the cyber world debates the reasons for the attacks and the response, business leaders should […]
Most CEOs will tell you security is an important aspect of their business operations. But too often, what’s deemed important by management doesn’t always translate into real priorities. We’ve seen too many cybersecurity teams stretched thin on staffing, overworked, and improperly aligned with the rest of the organization. This leaves companies vulnerable to cybersecurity threats, huge losses, […]
In today’s competitive cybersecurity job market, being comfortable having conversations with employers about compensation gives you an advantage. Cyber pros are in high demand, so understanding what to ask for, as well as how various compensation packages are structured, will help you get the best possible offer. Cybersecurity salaries vary depending on company, industry, and […]
We talk to a lot of people who want to know how to make their next career move. People are looking for not just better pay, they are looking for opportunities for professional development, better work-life balance, and permanent remote offices. Covid-19 has brought some changes to the workplace and the way we interview for […]
Diversity is often discussed at leadership summits and in C-level corporate offices around the country. It’s clear that within many industries, including cybersecurity, there’s a great need to bring more women and people of color into the ranks and into leadership roles. But many efforts to improve diversity in tech have failed. Why is it that after […]
Whether you’re a start-up or a Fortune 500 company, cybersecurity consulting is a good way to assess the effectiveness of your cybersecurity operations. Having another set of eyes on your security systems, looking for ways attackers could infiltrate, and creating a strategy for addressing any security gaps can save your business time and the disruption of a security breach. […]
Taking the Hacker Convention Virtual. On May 7 this year, one of the organizers of DEF CON 28, Dark Tangent, made an important announcement on the conference website. “We are going to try something we have never done, a free virtual con,” he wrote. “We plan to organize everything here on the DEF CON Forums, […]
It’s no secret that tech has struggled to diversify its workforce. Equal representation of minorities and women in tech still has a long way to go. But as companies also struggle to fill cybersecurity jobs, there can sometimes be a disconnect between needing to fill a position today and working harder to make cyber teams […]
Female students' achievement in mathematics and science is on par with their male peers and female students participate in high level mathematics and science courses at similar rates as their male peers, with the exception of computer science and engineering. - NSF, Science & Engineering Indicators, 2018 Co-Authored by Lisa Kendall, CyberSN and Katie Perry, […]
Cybersecurity job titles are all over the map. Some companies have their own definition of what a security engineer does, while another company requires a whole other set of skills and experience. Cybersecurity roles and responsibilities for specific job titles can vary from organization to organization, leaving many hiring managers, HR recruiters and job seekers […]
When you have one or more cybersecurity positions to fill, it’s only a matter of time before the pressure will start to mount to get someone in the role ASAP. You know you can’t just throw anyone in the role. When you consider that the top data breaches in 2018 affected more than 100 million people, […]
With more employees working from home than ever, companies must be vigilant to protect themselves from evolving cybersecurity threats. Your cybersecurity team has likely been hard at work maintaining privacy and safeguarding the enterprise, even as shifts in the workforce present new challenges. But as most cyber professionals know, a major hurdle in risk management […]
At a time when working remotely is challenging existing security practices, cybersecurity and information security staffing remains a priority for many companies. Hiring freezes are being lifted or never even applied to essential cybersecurity positions. As hiring managers look to fill their teams at this critical time, they report that there doesn’t seem to be enough […]
While many companies are today working from home, at some point, the workforce will return to the office. It’s not clear what this will look like; it may be a small portion of workers heading back in phases or everyone at once. There is also the possibility that working from home will remain the norm […]
“The Three Little Pigs” is a children's story about being prepared for when you need something, even if you have to make a few short-term sacrifices along the way. It’s a lesson we should heed right now as we look toward uncertainty about what work will look like in the weeks ahead. Although not always […]
Staying up to date on cybersecurity news is not just about knowing where the latest data breach happened. It also requires following the rapid changes in the industry, and knowing which companies are on the forefront of information security, and who the thought leaders are. Staying on top of cybersecurity news also helps CISOs and […]
Friends, Since I was a young girl I have felt a sense of responsibility to care for others, a responsibility to always help when people are scared, sad or stressed. Today I feel this even greater, as our world and our country faces a major healthcare crisis and as our economy is negatively affected; I […]
Have you heard about the workforce shortage in cybersecurity? Skilled cyber professionals are hard to find and desirable jobs at great companies are left unfilled for months. At least that’s what most tech staffing agencies will tell you. This mindset has infected too many companies, their HR departments, and the staffing agencies they hire, leaving […]
If you were at the RSA Conference 2020 this year in San Francisco, you may have caught Deidre Diamond’s presentation on talent exfiltration and the keys to retaining top cybersecurity employees. Deidre has appeared as a RSAC speaker in the past and this year was recognized by the event as a top rated speaker. The […]
Many of the challenges firms face when filling cybersecurity positions can be traced back to the job description. Cybersecurity job descriptions are notoriously difficult to write, yet they’re often the first impression a potential hire has of what it’s like to work for your company. With a lack of industry-accepted terms for jobs and roles, […]
Organizations are taking novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak precautions with employees, travel restrictions are being put in place, and leaders are providing general workplace safety information on outbreak precautions. The chief security officer and your cybersecurity organization have a critical role to play in business continuity and COVID-19 preparations. To remain operational and minimize cyber risk, […]
Shifting roles within the cybersecurity industry can be extremely difficult—job seekers are faced with a variety of frustrating hurdles they must overcome in order to find a great career fit. From firms underestimating the importance of cybersecurity roles, to nonsensical job descriptions, to outlandish job requirements, it can take an exhausting amount of effort searching […]
Friends, my article published on TechBeacon.com explains how we as civilians can help solve the economic and national security issue of the lack of women needed in cybersecurity. Please read it, reproduced below, and help raise awareness about all the amazing jobs in cybersecurity that are available for everyone. Currently only 11% of our cybersecurity workforce […]