
Thought leadership and updates from the world of recruitment in cyber

Four Tips to Improve Your Cybersecurity Job Description

Uploaded: March 17, 2020
Many of the challenges firms face when filling cybersecurity positions can be traced back to the job description. Cybersecurity job descriptions are notoriously difficult to write, yet they’re often the first impression a potential hire has of what it’s like to work for your company. With a lack of industry-accepted terms for jobs and roles, […]
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A Chief Security Officer’s COVID-19 Checklist

Uploaded: March 12, 2020
Organizations are taking novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak precautions with employees, travel restrictions are being put in place, and leaders are providing general workplace safety information on outbreak precautions. The chief security officer and your cybersecurity organization have a critical role to play in business continuity and COVID-19 preparations. To remain operational and minimize cyber risk, […]
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Searching Cybersecurity Jobs? How to Find the Right Fit

Uploaded: March 10, 2020
Shifting roles within the cybersecurity industry can be extremely difficult—job seekers are faced with a variety of frustrating hurdles they must overcome in order to find a great career fit. From firms underestimating the importance of cybersecurity roles, to nonsensical job descriptions, to outlandish job requirements, it can take an exhausting amount of effort searching […]
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Cyber Talent Wants to Work for People With High EQ

Uploaded: March 5, 2020
Emotional intelligence in the workplace has been the subject of hundreds of articles, conference talks, and videos, yet it still remains one of the more illusive skills in management. Also known as the emotional quotient, or EQ, it is an essential aspect of managing people, especially in cybersecurity, where burnout is rampant. Founder and CEO […]
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5 Tips for attracting cybersecurity professionals

Uploaded: January 30, 2020
While the scramble to recruit and retain smart cybersecurity professionals is universal, some companies struggle more than others. If you ever wonder how some competitors managed to perennially field solid cybersecurity teams while your organization can hardly even find enough candidates for your open jobs, it might be time to evaluate the way you market […]
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Wise Owl Tip: Women Needed To Solve Talent Shortage

Uploaded: January 9, 2020
Friends, my article published on explains how we as civilians can help solve the economic and national security issue of the lack of women needed in cybersecurity. Please read it, reproduced below, and help raise awareness about all the amazing jobs in cybersecurity that are available for everyone. Currently only 11% of our cybersecurity workforce […]
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3 Red Flags in Cybersecurity Postings

Uploaded: October 21, 2019
Firms struggling to recruit quality cybersecurity candidates may be a little too quick to blame the security skills gap without looking in the mirror first. In many cases, companies take themselves out of the running for the best available candidates the day the job is posted. Why? Experienced cybersecurity professionals run away far and fast […]
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Unconscious Bias in Cybersecurity Recruiting

Uploaded: September 30, 2019
The inability for companies to attract a diverse range of candidates is an underlying current to today’s broader cybersecurity staffing crisis. In fact, close to half of security insiders today believe that the underrepresentation of women and minorities stands as a major factor contributing to the current shortage of skilled security workers. Anti-discrimination laws and […]
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Maybe CEOs Aren’t Serious About Building a Strong Cybersecurity Team

Uploaded: September 23, 2019
In the era of the mega-breach, CEOs have increasingly been called on to account for the cyber readiness of their organizations. Ask any CEO and they’ll surely tell you that they consider cybersecurity to be of the utmost importance to their organization—in fact, one major survey of US CEOs this year had them rank cybersecurity as the […]
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The Many Broken Faces of the Cybersecurity Market

Uploaded: July 31, 2019
Today’s cybersecurity teams need all the help they can get to keep up with a breakneck pace of work. Threat Actors barrage corporate systems with new and inventive attacks by the minute. And Cybersecurity professionals are committed to protecting information, privacy, and maintaining regulatory compliance. Unfortunately, security hiring managers struggle to hire talent fast enough […]
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How Much $$$ Are You Looking For?

Uploaded: March 24, 2019
I know – this question makes us uncomfortable. But when job seeking, you will get asked this question. So be prepared with your answer; it’s not hard to do. In fact, it’s a very logical win/win conversation, and one that I will role-play below. Using this discussion model, both the job seeker and hiring manager […]
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Be a Change Agent in Cybersecurity!

Uploaded: June 27, 2018
Cybersecurity friends, This article about our conference cultures, scores us all very low on accountability to our human behavior at business events. We have many, very serious, life-altering problems to solve in this world and specifically in cybersecurity. This problem of poor behavior can’t remain a problem for us; we are all too smart to not […]
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Wise Owl Tip: Are You Sure You Know How To Make Agreements?

Uploaded: May 6, 2018
Agreements are tricky. In fact, most agreements are disguised as roles, responsibilities, expectations, goals and/or projects. It’s no wonder that we have such difficulty making and honoring agreements: we aren’t looking at them as agreements. For many years now, I have found that every time I am coaching someone or a group of people through […]
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Cybersecurity Hiring Crisis Fueled by Lackluster Salaries

Uploaded: January 2, 2018
While demand for top flight cyber talent is hotter than ever, top line recruitment is often hindered by outdated and uninspired compensation planning. Let’s go inside the latest report findings from cybersecurity search firm CyberSN. -This story was featured on on January 3, 2018 – Authors: Scott A. Scanlon Editor-in-Chief; Dale M. Zupsansky, Managing Editor; Stephen Sawicki, Managing […]
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The Cybersecurity Hiring Crisis

Uploaded: October 11, 2017
View our research study Friends, our lack of real-time salary data and our poor hiring practices are causing unnecessary stress and productivity breakdown. The cybersecurity talent shortage is not an excuse for unfilled positions. CyberSN has performed thousands of searches and compiled valuable data that shows why jobs go unfilled for reasons beyond the talent […]
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We Need a New Approach to Hiring

Uploaded: July 9, 2017
When Gary Hayslip, the CISO for Webroot, Co-Author of The CISO Desk Reference Guide, and a highly valued and trusted leader in the security industry asked for my input on his article, I told him I would be more than happy to share my thoughts. I have a lot to say on this subject after 19 years […]
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Speak Up, Speak Out

Uploaded: February 23, 2017
This past weekend Susan Fowler, a former engineer at Uber, published her blog describing repeated gender discrimination by her department’s leadership and Uber’s HR department. Susan’s blog can be found here. As she put it, her “situation was escalated as far up the chain as it could be escalated, and still nothing was done”. This is […]
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Diversity at RSA

Uploaded: February 24, 2016
It’s going to be a great year for diversity at RSA Conference 2016! Several crowd sourced sessions and speaker topics are scheduled which will prompt discussions around the issue of the lack women in tech and cybersecurity. These topics, along with groups and panels, seem to show that this issue is going mainstream at #RSAC […]
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