
Thought leadership and updates from the world of recruitment in cyber

Cybersecurity Job Posting Data Report 2024

Uploaded: May 1, 2024
This report delivers an in-depth analysis of the U.S. cybersecurity job market, utilizing data from 140,000+ monthly cybersecurity job postings across all 45 functional roles over the past two years.
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Cybersecurity Salary Data Report 2024

Uploaded: May 1, 2024
Explore our latest cyber salary data report for all cyber roles, including an insight into demand and salary increases across CISOs, GRC Analysts, & more.
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Cybersecurity Recruitment Decisions in 2024: Insights from Annual Survey

Uploaded: April 23, 2024
Within organizations the role of protecting your company’s valuable data and operations is not just about deploying the right technology but also the people who power it. Cyber Security Tribe, a leading online community and content platform, recently conducted a comprehensive state of the cyber security industry survey involving over 250 cybersecurity professionals, shedding light […]
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The Importance of Cybersecurity Talent Retention

Uploaded: April 10, 2024
Why Does Cybersecurity Talent Leave? We find people ultimately leave their jobs most often because of two reasons: the culture and the leadership. Generally, cyber professionals have passion for their work and enjoy what they do, and despite cyber being a technical field, it’s still a people-centric profession. When hiring in highly specialized fields where […]
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Improving Female Representation in Cybersecurity

Uploaded: March 11, 2024
It’s no secret that women are underrepresented in cybersecurity. There are plenty of statistics that confirm the gender gap in cybersecurity, including a 2024 survey that showed women make up less than a quarter (24%) of the cybersecurity workforce and only 1% of women hold top executive positions. To change the industry and remove barriers […]
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Combating the Great Resignation with Great Retention

Uploaded: November 15, 2021
The “Great Resignation”, or the “Big Quit”, is one of the biggest challenges for employers and professionals in all industries right now. Is it a temporary trend as we recover from the unrest of a global pandemic, or is it symptomatic of a larger employment problem? And how does the cybersecurity industry, which was suffering […]
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How job search algorithms are failing cybersecurity

Uploaded: September 29, 2021
Communication is easier and more effective when both parties speak the same language. The same is true for finding a job. Job search algorithms fail at matching professionals with roles based on language, so we created a cybersecurity common language, our Job Taxonomy - more on this below. Resume screening software is a huge contributor […]
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The CyberSN Marketplace Explained

Uploaded: September 7, 2021
In this blog - the third in our series addressing the cybersecurity career and hiring crisis - we introduce the CyberSN marketplace, the one-stop destination for all cybersecurity career and staffing needs. To learn more about the cybersecurity career crisis and how to solve it, check out our previous blogs.  At CyberSN we recognize that […]
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The Cybersecurity Career Crisis

Uploaded: July 29, 2021
We’re experiencing a national security crisis. Poor staffing and resource management in the cybersecurity industry has become a threat to the entire country, its citizens, and our organizations. Not only are we short half a million cybersecurity professionals in the US, but employed cyber professionals are unhappy, and this is reflected in employee turnover. The […]
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An Insider’s Guide to Talent Exfiltration

Uploaded: March 11, 2021
The ongoing evolution of the cybersecurity landscape and threat complexity has initiated an arms race between security teams and cyber criminals. As well as scrambling to keep up with new and developing threats, organizations are seeing their talent exfiltrated by recruiters at an alarming rate. The cybersecurity talent pool is short nearly 500,000 people in the United […]
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5 Ways Cyber Hiring Has Changed Forever

Uploaded: February 23, 2021
2020 brought many transformations to the cybersecurity community. The key takeaway from our perspective here at CyberSN was the change to the talent seeker and the job seeker as it relates to the hiring process. In short: the roles and expectations of both cybersecurity professionals seeking employment, and hiring managers looking to fill job vacancies […]
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What 0% Unemployment Means for the Cybersecurity Job Market

Uploaded: February 16, 2021
A 0% unemployment rate for the cybersecurity industry is a huge success. There’s an abundance of cyber jobs for everyone. When glancing at the state of the cybersecurity job market, you’d expect that everyone would be extremely happy with the way things are going. It’s a wonderful problem. The problem is that with full employment […]
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2021 Cybersecurity Job Market outlook

Uploaded: January 13, 2021
Happy New Year. After a year of uncertainty and emotional stresses, I look to 2021 with great optimism. The cybersecurity community is significantly stronger and being counted on now more than ever. The need for cybersecurity talent has grown exponentially.  The importance of cybersecurity professionals is universally understood and appreciated at a much higher level. […]
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Managing a Business-Aligned Cybersecurity Team

Uploaded: December 9, 2020
Most CEOs will tell you security is an important aspect of their business operations. But too often, what’s deemed important by management doesn’t always translate into real priorities. We’ve seen too many cybersecurity teams stretched thin on staffing, overworked, and improperly aligned with the rest of the organization. This leaves companies vulnerable to cybersecurity threats, huge losses, […]
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Hiring Cybersecurity Professionals When Your Salary Offer Is Low

Uploaded: December 2, 2020
Hiring cybersecurity professionals is as challenging now as ever. With a shortage of people actively looking, cyber pros can be picky about where they work and the compensation they earn. Not every company can afford to pay the same level of salary as Google, but that doesn’t mean they don’t offer a rewarding opportunity for cyber […]
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Has Covid-19 Changed What Cybersecurity Professionals Want?

Uploaded: October 16, 2020
The declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic in March 2020 quickly changed how we work, turning office culture on its head. Companies quickly adapted to a fully remote model, while employees learned how to balance work and personal life within the confines of their home. This new work environment put added pressures on cybersecurity […]
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Can Diversity in the Workplace Improve Performance?

Uploaded: September 11, 2020
It’s no secret that cybersecurity has a diversity problem. While it is well-documented that inclusion and diversity are benefits to a company and the bottom line, there are some people who are skeptical of diversity’s true impact or may feel left out of the conversation because they are part of the overwhelming white male majority. […]
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Get More Out Of Cybersecurity Consulting

Uploaded: August 6, 2020
Whether you’re a start-up or a Fortune 500 company, cybersecurity consulting is a good way to assess the effectiveness of your cybersecurity operations. Having another set of eyes on your security systems, looking for ways attackers could infiltrate, and creating a strategy for addressing any security gaps can save your business time and the disruption of a security breach. […]
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Women in Tech: Developing Diverse Cyber Talent

Uploaded: July 9, 2020
It’s no secret that tech has struggled to diversify its workforce. Equal representation of minorities and women in tech still has a long way to go. But as companies also struggle to fill cybersecurity jobs, there can sometimes be a disconnect between needing to fill a position today and working harder to make cyber teams […]
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Decoding Cybersecurity Roles and Job Titles

Uploaded: June 26, 2020
Cybersecurity job titles are all over the map. Some companies have their own definition of what a security engineer does, while another company requires a whole other set of skills and experience. Cybersecurity roles and responsibilities for specific job titles can vary from organization to organization, leaving many hiring managers, HR recruiters and job seekers […]
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How to Ace Cybersecurity Recruitment

Uploaded: May 27, 2020
When you have one or more cybersecurity positions to fill, it’s only a matter of time before the pressure will start to mount to get someone in the role ASAP. You know you can’t just throw anyone in the role. When you consider that the top data breaches in 2018 affected more than 100 million people, […]
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Five Secrets of Information Security Staffing

Uploaded: May 12, 2020
At a time when working remotely is challenging existing security practices, cybersecurity and information security staffing remains a priority for many companies. Hiring freezes are being lifted or never even applied to essential cybersecurity positions. As hiring managers look to fill their teams at this critical time, they report that there doesn’t seem to be enough […]
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Addressing the Shortage of Cybersecurity Professionals

Uploaded: April 23, 2020
The shortage of cybersecurity professionals has been well studied, documented, and publicized. According to ESG Research, 51% of companies say their organization has a problematic shortage of cybersecurity skills. The most well cited study on the cyber workforce shortage, by (ISC)², estimates that an additional 4 million more cybersecurity professionals are needed to defend organizations […]
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State of the Cybersecurity Job Market and How CyberSN Can Help

Uploaded: April 2, 2020
Friends, Since I was a young girl I have felt a sense of responsibility to care for others, a responsibility to always help when people are scared, sad or stressed. Today I feel this even greater, as our world and our country faces a major healthcare crisis and as our economy is negatively affected; I […]
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