Cybersecurity leaders often face a tough balancing act: protecting their organization from risks while managing tight budgets and limited resources. These pressures can lead to overworked cybersecurity teams, missed deadlines, and an increased risk of cybersecurity burnout. In our recent webinar, Deidre Diamond, Founder and CEO of CyberSN, and Dan Garcia, Chief Information Security Officer […]
Discover the latest trends in cybersecurity job postings with the CyberSN Mid-Year Report 2024. Explore how hiring patterns, job functions, and demand for specific cybersecurity roles have evolved this year.
The cybersecurity workforce is facing a significant challenge: high turnover rates. With the ever-evolving threat landscape, retaining skilled cybersecurity professionals is crucial, emphasizing the importance of a strong talent retention strategy. While the concepts of Indicators of Compromise (IOC) and Indicators of Attack (IOA) are well-established in proactively detecting and responding to cyber threats, there's […]
This report delivers an in-depth analysis of the U.S. cybersecurity job market, utilizing data from 140,000+ monthly cybersecurity job postings across all 45 functional roles over the past two years.
Explore our latest cyber salary data report for all cyber roles, including an insight into demand and salary increases across CISOs, GRC Analysts, & more.
Why Does Cybersecurity Talent Leave? We find people ultimately leave their jobs most often because of two reasons: the culture and the leadership. Generally, cyber professionals have passion for their work and enjoy what they do, and despite cyber being a technical field, it’s still a people-centric profession. When hiring in highly specialized fields where […]
It’s no secret that women are underrepresented in cybersecurity. There are plenty of statistics that confirm the gender gap in cybersecurity, including a 2024 survey that showed women make up less than a quarter (24%) of the cybersecurity workforce and only 1% of women hold top executive positions. To change the industry and remove barriers […]
Appsec Background information: (Things to consider sharing with the client) The appsec hire ROI includes hard and soft values. The hard values are difficult to speak to without understanding the business objectives and which cybersecurity metrics are in place today or planning in the future. Generally speaking, the ROI soft values accelerate/enable the ROI complex […]
Harvard Business School research found that 90% of highly-skilled cyber talent workers are weeded out from jobs because they don’t meet all the requirements in a job posting. Aiello advises companies to make more realistic descriptions in their ads so hiring managers can match job candidates to jobs they can succeed on. (Credit: Getty Images) […]
The “Great Resignation”, or the “Big Quit”, is one of the biggest challenges for employers and professionals in all industries right now. Is it a temporary trend as we recover from the unrest of a global pandemic, or is it symptomatic of a larger employment problem? And how does the cybersecurity industry, which was suffering […]
Communication is easier and more effective when both parties speak the same language. The same is true for finding a job. Job search algorithms fail at matching professionals with roles based on language, so we created a cybersecurity common language, our Job Taxonomy - more on this below. Resume screening software is a huge contributor […]
In this blog - the third in our series addressing the cybersecurity career and hiring crisis - we introduce the CyberSN marketplace, the one-stop destination for all cybersecurity career and staffing needs. To learn more about the cybersecurity career crisis and how to solve it, check out our previous blogs. At CyberSN we recognize that […]
The ongoing evolution of the cybersecurity landscape and threat complexity has initiated an arms race between security teams and cyber criminals. As well as scrambling to keep up with new and developing threats, organizations are seeing their talent exfiltrated by recruiters at an alarming rate. The cybersecurity talent pool is short nearly 500,000 people in the United […]
2020 brought many transformations to the cybersecurity community. The key takeaway from our perspective here at CyberSN was the change to the talent seeker and the job seeker as it relates to the hiring process. In short: the roles and expectations of both cybersecurity professionals seeking employment, and hiring managers looking to fill job vacancies […]
Most CEOs will tell you security is an important aspect of their business operations. But too often, what’s deemed important by management doesn’t always translate into real priorities. We’ve seen too many cybersecurity teams stretched thin on staffing, overworked, and improperly aligned with the rest of the organization. This leaves companies vulnerable to cybersecurity threats, huge losses, […]
Hiring cybersecurity professionals is as challenging now as ever. With a shortage of people actively looking, cyber pros can be picky about where they work and the compensation they earn. Not every company can afford to pay the same level of salary as Google, but that doesn’t mean they don’t offer a rewarding opportunity for cyber […]
The declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic in March 2020 quickly changed how we work, turning office culture on its head. Companies quickly adapted to a fully remote model, while employees learned how to balance work and personal life within the confines of their home. This new work environment put added pressures on cybersecurity […]
The shortage of cybersecurity professionals has been well studied, documented, and publicized. According to ESG Research, 51% of companies say their organization has a problematic shortage of cybersecurity skills. The most well cited study on the cyber workforce shortage, by (ISC)², estimates that an additional 4 million more cybersecurity professionals are needed to defend organizations […]
Many of the challenges firms face when filling cybersecurity positions can be traced back to the job description. Cybersecurity job descriptions are notoriously difficult to write, yet they’re often the first impression a potential hire has of what it’s like to work for your company. With a lack of industry-accepted terms for jobs and roles, […]
While the scramble to recruit and retain smart cybersecurity professionals is universal, some companies struggle more than others. If you ever wonder how some competitors managed to perennially field solid cybersecurity teams while your organization can hardly even find enough candidates for your open jobs, it might be time to evaluate the way you market […]
While demand for top flight cyber talent is hotter than ever, top line recruitment is often hindered by outdated and uninspired compensation planning. Let’s go inside the latest report findings from cybersecurity search firm CyberSN. -This story was featured on on January 3, 2018 – Authors: Scott A. Scanlon Editor-in-Chief; Dale M. Zupsansky, Managing Editor; Stephen Sawicki, Managing […]
View our research study Friends, our lack of real-time salary data and our poor hiring practices are causing unnecessary stress and productivity breakdown. The cybersecurity talent shortage is not an excuse for unfilled positions. CyberSN has performed thousands of searches and compiled valuable data that shows why jobs go unfilled for reasons beyond the talent […]
When Gary Hayslip, the CISO for Webroot, Co-Author of The CISO Desk Reference Guide, and a highly valued and trusted leader in the security industry asked for my input on his article, I told him I would be more than happy to share my thoughts. I have a lot to say on this subject after 19 years […]