Why Tech Startups Are Prime Targets for Cyber Threats and How to Protect Your Business

Early stage companies, particularly those with venture funding, are lucrative targets for ransomware attacks because attackers know that public disclosure of a data breach is often seen as a company-ending event.

Studies show that 43% of all cyber attacks target small businesses, while criminal ransomware gangs are increasingly targeting tech startups for extortion. Sophisticated cyber attackers target tech startups in so-called “supply chain attacks”, in which the smaller company is used as an entry point to attack customers who are larger and more secure.

5 Cyber Risks Startups Should Be Aware Of

Early-stage and venture-backed startups face even greater risks from cybersecurity incidents. A data breach can have significant repercussions for a startup, including:

  1. Loss of Investor Confidence: Investors may lose confidence in a company’s ability to manage cyber risks effectively. A significant breach can raise concerns about the company's operational stability and risk management practices. This could slow down the funding process as a result of increased due diligence, or result in a lower valuation and terms that are less favorable.
  2. Operational Disruption: Responding to a breach requires significant unplanned resources. This operational disruption can impact the company’s ability to meet growth targets and milestones, which investors closely monitor. 
  3. Direct, Legal, Regulatory Costs: The costs associated with lawsuits, payment of ransomware, regulatory fines, and payment of damages following a breach can be devastating.
  4. Customer Attrition: A public breach often leads to loss of customers and revenue, which few startups can survive for long.
  5. Impact on Future Sales: A data breach might also impact existing partnerships or deals, as partners may reassess their relationships with the company. This can create further instability and affect the company’s attractiveness to new investors.

Top Cybersecurity Goals for Startups

Startups are inherently high-risk. Startup founders are focused, rightly, on the main existential risk: running out of money. Therefore, a startup’s security program should be focused on the following three goals:

  1. To bound the downside risk of a company-ending security event.
  2. To provide an architecture for growth and predictability without over-investing in security relative to stage and runway.
  3. To produce a documented security program that becomes a selling point rather than an objection, for potential investors, acquirers, and any demanding new partners or customers.

Crossing the Startup Cybersecurity Chasm

Startups operate with tight budgets and they lack dedicated security expertise. When startups scale quickly, their security practices often lag behind their growth. New systems, features, and data flows introduce new risks, which get piled on top of existing risks until the company has accumulated a huge amount of so-called “security debt”.

The challenge then becomes how to “cross the chasm” from an ad-hoc security approach to a security program that’s appropriate to the startup’s size and stage.

Custom Security Programs for Startups: Protecting Against Cyber Threats

At CyberSN, we understand the unique cybersecurity challenges that startups face, especially when transitioning from seed stage to Series A and beyond.

Security consulting firms too often take an all-in, compliance approach that’s heavy on documentation but light on practical implementation. We know you don’t want to invest tens of thousands of dollars just to get a PDF document spelling out all the areas where you already know you fall short.

CyberSN’s Startup Security Program helps early stage companies by providing a custom cybersecurity strategy and right-sized security program, along with expert hands-on implementation by our security experts working as an extension of your team.

By taking a flexible and phased approach, we deliver actionable security solutions that protect your business, support growth, and meet the demands of investors, partners, and customers. With our expertise and tailored program, we enable startups to navigate the cybersecurity landscape confidently, ensuring security becomes a business enabler rather than an obstacle.

Ready to Protect Your Startup?

Discover our custom cybersecurity programs designed to safeguard your startup from ransomware, data breaches, and supply chain attacks. Get in touch to learn more.