CyberSN and Unite to Combat Cybersecurity Burnout and Boost Cybersecurity Workforce Resilience

CyberSN, a leader in cybersecurity workforce risk management, is excited to announce a strategic partnership with, a non-profit led by cyber and mental health pioneers, that brings the world’s first peer-informed, military-proven, neuroscience-based, burnout prevention services to cyber teams and beyond. This collaboration is designed to provide comprehensive cybersecurity programs that address the critical need for resilience in cybersecurity, offering targeted solutions for burnout and mental health challenges faced by cybersecurity teams.

Addressing Cybersecurity Burnout and Mental Resilience

In today’s high-stakes environment, cybersecurity professionals are under constant pressure, leading to a significant rise in burnout. A recent survey from Mimecast revealed that 54% of cyber professionals report a decline in mental health due to ransomware threats alone. A 2023 study by Cybermindz found that cybersecurity professionals score higher on the burnout scale than the general population and even frontline health workers. ISACA’s State of Cybersecurity Report highlighted that 43% of cybersecurity professionals leave their jobs due to burnout from relentless high-pressure situations. Additionally, Cynet’s survey revealed that 65% of CISOs admitted that stress and work overload compromise their ability to protect their organizations effectively.

Peter Coroneos, Founder of Cybermindz, emphasizes the importance of mental resilience in cybersecurity, "Our brains are wired to detect physical threats, but in cybersecurity, we're dealing with virtual threats 24/7. This constant state of alertness can significantly strain our mental health." Deidre Diamond, Founder and CEO of CyberSN and Founder of Secure Diversity adds, "The high levels of burnout in our industry not only affect individual well-being but also compromise overall cybersecurity effectiveness."

Comprehensive Cybersecurity Programs for Resilience

To combat burnout in cybersecurity and improve resilience, CyberSN and Cybermindz are offering a holistic approach that integrates both neuroscience-based performance skills and strategic talent management. This partnership aims to reduce burnout-related attrition by up to 50% and enhance mental resilience through tailored cybersecurity programs.

The combined solutions include workforce risk management support, talent optimization, talent acquisition programs, year-long stress reduction and resilience training, and leadership and crisis support, ensuring cybersecurity teams are well-prepared to meet today’s challenges. Empowering organizations to attract, retain, and upskill cybersecurity talent while maintaining a strong focus on mental health and resilience.

Enhancing Resilience in Cybersecurity Teams

The partnership between CyberSN and Cybermindz will have a profound impact on the cybersecurity industry at multiple levels. Nationally, it strengthens security infrastructure by ensuring that cybersecurity teams are resilient and mentally supported. Organizationally, it fosters a diverse and sustainable work environment, improving team cohesion, cybersecurity resilience, and talent retention. On a personal level, cybersecurity professionals will benefit from clear roles, upskilling programs, and targeted mental resilience training, helping them manage stress and prevent burnout in cybersecurity.

Deidre Diamond emphasizes, “83% of IT security professionals have experienced burnout, leading to errors that resulted in security breaches. These mistakes are a direct result of burnout and under-resourced teams. This is an organizational issue. Partnering with Cybermindz brings a closed-loop solution that allows organizations to be responsible for their talent’s resiliency and lower their risk profile.”

Peter Coroneos adds, “Our collaboration harnesses the strengths of both organizations to provide comprehensive mental resilience training and burnout prevention strategies. Together, we aim to create a healthier, more sustainable work environment for those on the front lines of cyber defense.”

To further discuss employee burnout solutions and resilience in cybersecurity, get in touch with CyberSN and Cybermindz. Read more insights in our latest blogs on Solutions to Combat Cybersecurity Burnout and The State of Cybersecurity Burnout.

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