Product Security Engineer

Product Security Engineers are responsible for the end-to-end security of their organization’s software products.

Role overview

Product Security Engineers work closely with software engineering and product teams to achieve product and security business objectives. They support the implementation of secure development practices, threat modeling, architecture, design, vulnerability assessments and security verification, as well as defining the security standards for a variety of products and tools.

Product Security Engineer Job Titles
may also be referred to as:
IOT Product Security Engineer
Platform Product Security Manager
Product Cyber Resilience Engineer
Product Cybersecurity Integration Engineer
Product Manager Cloud Security
Product Manager Network Security
Product Security Analyst
Product Security Architect
Product Security Engineer Intern
Product Security Incident Responder
Product Security Incident Response Manager (PSIRT)
Security Product Owner

Career Path

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Average Salary

Based upon experience, salary for this role ranges from:
National Average
* based upon those with two plus years of cybersecurity experience


Providing security guidance on all new products and technologies within the organization.
Collaborating with the engineering team to perform regular product security assessments and threat modelling.
Managing the operations and effectiveness of the product security pipeline tools.
Updating product security tooling to reduce false positives.
Responding to vulnerabilities disclosed through threat detection systems.
Maintaining internal documentation and security standards to ensure security best practices are followed.
Designing and implementing tools to automate and scale security processes.
Supporting the incident detection and response processes.
Providing security support and leadership to the product engineering team.

Easily build and export free Product Security Engineer job descriptions utilizing CyberSN’s job taxonomy that is aligned with the NICE Framework. Our taxonomy clearly defines cybersecurity tasks and responsibilities so you can build job descriptions in minutes that resonate with cyber pros.

Tools & Environment

Product Security Engineers work with various development process tools including threat modeling, compliance, test automation, and vulnerability technologies. They also use a variety of operating systems, cloud containers, programming tools, encryption, and security controls for IaaS, PaaS, and Severless systems.


Category Organization Certification
Product Security (ISC)2 CSSLP
Product Security CertNexus CSC
Product Security EC-Council CASE Java
Product Security EC-Council CASE .Net
Product Security EXIN SP-F
Product Security GAQM CSST
Product Security GAQM CASST
Product Security GIAC GPYC
Product Security GIAC GSSP-JAVA
Product Security GIAC GSSP-.NET

[cyber_job_role_count] Product Security Engineer jobs



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