
Thought leadership and updates from the world of recruitment in cyber

Solutions to Combat Cybersecurity Burnout

Uploaded: June 27, 2024
To observe Mental Health Awareness Month, CyberSN partnered with Devo and for a panel discussion about the mental health challenges facing cybersecurity professionals and solutions for overcoming stress, anxiety, and burnout. This insightful discussion featured CyberSN’s Founder and CEO Deidre Diamond, Devo’s CISO Kayla Williams, and’s Founder Peter Coroneos. We will highlight the […]
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Indicators of Quitting (IOQ): A New Perspective in Cybersecurity Workforce Risk Management

Uploaded: May 10, 2024
The cybersecurity workforce is facing a significant challenge: high turnover rates. With the ever-evolving threat landscape, retaining skilled cybersecurity professionals is crucial, emphasizing the importance of a strong talent retention strategy. While the concepts of Indicators of Compromise (IOC) and Indicators of Attack (IOA) are well-established in proactively detecting and responding to cyber threats, there's […]
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The Importance of Cybersecurity Talent Retention

Uploaded: April 10, 2024
Why Does Cybersecurity Talent Leave? We find people ultimately leave their jobs most often because of two reasons: the culture and the leadership. Generally, cyber professionals have passion for their work and enjoy what they do, and despite cyber being a technical field, it’s still a people-centric profession. When hiring in highly specialized fields where […]
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Why Do I Need an Ally? A Poem by Deidre Diamond

Uploaded: June 22, 2022
We at CyberSN pride ourselves on our success in creating equitable and diverse work environments both internally and with our clients. Diversity is a result of inclusive cultures and we are super thankful for the leadership from our Founder and CEO Deidre Diamond, a woman who has been a wonderful ally to all genders and […]
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How To Master Self-Care: Remote Work Edition

Uploaded: May 1, 2021
Working from home was not always as common as it is today. The past year brought about quite a few changes to the world as we knew it, but one thing, in particular, is likely to be here to stay: remote work. Countless studies have been done on the topic of remote work covering topics such as […]
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Women in Tech: Developing Diverse Cyber Talent

Uploaded: July 9, 2020
It’s no secret that tech has struggled to diversify its workforce. Equal representation of minorities and women in tech still has a long way to go. But as companies also struggle to fill cybersecurity jobs, there can sometimes be a disconnect between needing to fill a position today and working harder to make cyber teams […]
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How to Include More Women In The Security Industry

Uploaded: July 7, 2020
Female students' achievement in mathematics and science is on par with their male peers and female students participate in high level mathematics and science courses at similar rates as their male peers, with the exception of computer science and engineering.  - NSF, Science & Engineering Indicators, 2018 Co-Authored by Lisa Kendall, CyberSN and Katie Perry, […]
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Communicating Emerging Cyber Threats to Your Company

Uploaded: May 20, 2020
With more employees working from home than ever, companies must be vigilant to protect themselves from evolving cybersecurity threats. Your cybersecurity team has likely been hard at work maintaining privacy and safeguarding the enterprise, even as shifts in the workforce present new challenges. But as most cyber professionals know, a major hurdle in risk management […]
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How to Securely Transition From Remote Work Back to the Office

Uploaded: May 12, 2020
While many companies are today working from home, at some point, the workforce will return to the office. It’s not clear what this will look like; it may be a small portion of workers heading back in phases or everyone at once. There is also the possibility that working from home will remain the norm […]
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Nine Things to Do to Keep Remote Cybersecurity Jobs Remote

Uploaded: May 12, 2020
“The Three Little Pigs” is a children's story about being prepared for when you need something, even if you have to make a few short-term sacrifices along the way. It’s a lesson we should heed right now as we look toward uncertainty about what work will look like in the weeks ahead. Although not always […]
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Maybe CEOs Aren’t Serious About Building a Strong Cybersecurity Team

Uploaded: September 23, 2019
In the era of the mega-breach, CEOs have increasingly been called on to account for the cyber readiness of their organizations. Ask any CEO and they’ll surely tell you that they consider cybersecurity to be of the utmost importance to their organization—in fact, one major survey of US CEOs this year had them rank cybersecurity as the […]
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Wise Owl Tip: Are You Sure You Know How To Make Agreements?

Uploaded: May 6, 2018
Agreements are tricky. In fact, most agreements are disguised as roles, responsibilities, expectations, goals and/or projects. It’s no wonder that we have such difficulty making and honoring agreements: we aren’t looking at them as agreements. For many years now, I have found that every time I am coaching someone or a group of people through […]
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Speak Up, Speak Out

Uploaded: February 23, 2017
This past weekend Susan Fowler, a former engineer at Uber, published her blog describing repeated gender discrimination by her department’s leadership and Uber’s HR department. Susan’s blog can be found here. As she put it, her “situation was escalated as far up the chain as it could be escalated, and still nothing was done”. This is […]
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