8 tips for a standout security analyst resume

Author, Mary Brandel, Contributing Writer, CSO Online

This post was originally shared on CSO Online on November 15, 2021. 

Learn how to present and prioritize your education, skills, and experience to land your next security analyst job.

You’ve got your computer science degree from a prestigious university, a couple of security certifications that you earned the summer after you graduated, and almost a year’s experience working with a set of alert monitoring tools for a small company. In your spare time, you volunteer at the local animal shelter.

You like your job, but you’d prefer to work remotely, and you’d ultimately like to move into more of a compliance role. The question is, what’s the best way to pull together a resume that will catch a hiring manager’s eye and ensure a good job match?

No matter what your situation is, here are the aspects of your education, skills, and experience to highlight to ensure your resume stands out in the crowd.

Read on at CSO Online: https://www.csoonline.com/article/3639846/8-tips-for-a-standout-security-analyst-resume.html

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